In 2014, Christison embarked upon a collaborative venture with the Soneva Group, an award-winning luxury hospitality brand and leading innovator of sustainable practices in architecture, design, and business operations.

As Curator of Art and Glass for the Soneva Group, Christison has been the architect and Director of the Soneva Art and Glass program in multiple capacities.

“Very simply, the idea behind this project is to upcycle waste materials and awaken their forgotten potential.”

-Kevin Christison
Artist, Designer, Curator



We designed the Art and Glass facility to simultaneously accommodate the creative processes of making and exhibiting glass art, as well as to optimize guest comfort while observing and participating in these activities. The buildings forms were inspired by shells and pods from the surrounding sea and jungle environments.

Hitting Howards sand molds with co2 at SAG.jpg


Featured Artist Programme/Soneva Art Gallery.

Through the Featured Artist Programme, 4-5 artists per year are selected and invited, as Featured Artists, to Soneva Fushi Resort in the Maldives. Each artist visits the island for a period of 2-6 weeks to create a body of works. An exhibition of the works produced during the projects is then held in the Art Soneva Gallery, offering the resort guests an opportunity to meet the artist, and view and purchase the works created. Artists are encouraged to utilize waste and/or natural materials from the island and its surrounds. Artists also enjoy the rare opportunity to create works in the medium of glass by working closely with the Soneva Glass Team. The programme was officially launched in late December 2015 with its first Featured Artist and glass legend, Maestro Lino Tagliapietra, followed by Hong Kong based artist Sunny Wang in February, and American sculptor Howard BenTre in March/April.

Sunny Wang, Poem, blown glass, 2016



Soneva Glass is a Soneva “Waste to Wealth” through which waste bottle glass, accumulated as a result of beverages and food products consumed by guests of Soneva Fushi Resort and other local islands in the Baa Atoll, is transformed into luxury glass products and unique works of art. The Soneva Glass facility consists of a full state of the art hot glass studio. Signature Soneva designs are created in glass for the renowned restaurants of Soneva Fushi and other Soneva properties. These items are also are purchased by the Soneva guests from the Glass Retail Boutique.


To read more about the Soneva Art and Glass program, please follow this link to an article in Glass Art Magazine: Here